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Zohara at the American Visonary Art Museum's
Human, Soul & Machine: The Singularity Conference

Dr. Zoh Hieronimus signed books and served as the lead-off speaker for a special one-day conference at the American Visionary Art Museum in Baltimore, MD on March 9th at 1 PM. In conjunction with their current exhibition, Human, Soul & Machine: The Coming Singularity!, exploring the realization of body and soul within art, and the role technology may play in our fast-approaching future.

Zohara Hieronimus D.H.L. speaking in the Visionary Center. Also onstage are AVAM Founder Rebecca Hoffberger, visonary artist Alex Grey, and transhumanist and author Martine Rothblatt.

A full house of over 400 came to hear Dr. Zohara Hieronimus, Alex Gray, and Martine Rothblatt talk about the future at the American Visionary Art Museum in Baltimore.

Rebecca Hoffberger and Dr. Zohara Hieronimus at the Singularity Conference at AVAM

Zohara speaking about her latest book, The Future of Human Experience.

Zoh and Singularity conference attendees discuss her books.

Visionary artist Alex Grey and Zohara Hieronimus.

In addition to Zoh, who presented from her new book, The Future of Human Experience, the speakers included visionary artist and creator of the Chapel of Sacred Mirrors Alex Grey, and transhumanist and author Martine Rothblatt. An exclusive tour of the current mega-exhibition, lead by ‘Singularity’ artist Alex Grey and show curator Rebecca Hoffberger followed the conference. A day of fascinating discussions that took a communal look forward at Sci-Fi imaginings of the past that are swiftly becoming commonplace reality—the coming singularity!

Chapel of Sacred Mirrors by Alex Grey


American Visionary Art Museum’s Human, Soul & Machine: The Singularity Conference was made possible by the generosity of Jim and Patty Rouse Charitable Foundation.